Pokemon with a shell - What Pokemon have shells?
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Pokemon with a shell - What Pokemon have shells?

Seashells, Eggshells & Exo-skeletal shells — oh my!

pokemon with a shell - what pokemon have shells?

There are many Pokemon with a shell for offensive or defensive purposes — some Pokemon even have shells just for show.

The types of shell vary from sea shells, to egg shells, to exo-skeletal shells that cover up wings (in the case of several bug Pokemon).

Most Pokemon with shells tend to be of three different types — water type, bug type and rock type — but, it's not always the case! There are tons of unique creatures in the diverse world of Pokemon.

Pokemon with Shells

  • Armaldo

  • Blastoise

  • Carracosta

  • Chesnaught

  • Chespin

  • Chewtle

  • Clamperl

  • Cloyster

  • Crustle

  • Dewott

  • Dreadnaw

  • Dwebble

  • Exeggcute

  • Exeggutor

  • Golisopod

  • Grotle

  • Heracross

  • Kabuto

  • Kabutops

  • Lapras

  • Ledian

  • Ledyba

  • Magcargo

  • Minior

  • Omanyte

  • Omastar

  • Orbeetle

  • Oshawott

  • Parasect

  • Pinsir

  • Quilladin

  • Samurott

  • Shelgon

  • Shellder

  • Shelmet

  • Shuckle

  • Slowbro

  • Slowking

  • Squirtle

  • Tirtouga

  • Torkoal

  • Torterra

  • Turtonator

  • Turtwig

  • Vikavolt

  • Wartortle

  • Wimpod

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