All 26 Starter Pokemon from the Main Games

At the beginning of each adventure, the Pokemon Professor gives you, a budding young Pokemon trainer, a cute and cuddly partner to grow and battle with.
But, who are these special Pokemon?
This Pokemon starters list contains all 26 starter Pokemon from the main Pokemon games through Gen 8 alphabetically.
If you're looking for a list of Pokemon starters by Generation, click here.
Pokemon Starters
Bulbasaur → Ivysaur → Venusaur
Charmander → Charmeleon → Charizard
Chespin → Quilladin → Chesnaught
Chikorita → Bayleef → Meganium
Chimchar → Monferno → Infernape
Cyndaquil → Quilava → Typhlosion
Eevee → Flareon -OR- Jolteon -OR- Vaporeon -OR- Espeon -OR- Umbreon -OR- Glaceon -OR- Leafeon -OR- Sylveon
Fennekin → Braxien → Delphox
Froakie → Frogadier → Greninja
Grookey → Thwackey → Rillaboom
Litten → Torracat → Incineroar
Mudkip → Marshtomp → Swampert
Oshawott → Dewott → Samurott
Pikachu → Raichu
Piplup → Prinplup → Empoleon
Popplio → Brionne → Primarina
Rowlett → Dartrix → Decidueye
Scorbunny → Raboot → Cinderace
Snivy → Servine → Serperior
Sobble → Drizzile → Inteleon
Squirtle → Wartortle → Blastoise
Tepig → Pignite → Emboar
Torchic → Combusken → Blaziken
Totodile → Croconaw → Feraligatr
Treeko → Grovyle → Sceptile
Turtwig → Grotle → Torterra