Easy and fast DIY ideas you can make yourself

Halloween is probably one of your little one's favorite time of year and these DIY Pokemon costumes for kids are fast and easy ways to help them get into the spirit of the season!
Below, you'll find different costume ideas which require next to no crafting skills — cutting and gluing a bit of felt here and there is the extent of artistry required. But, some of these ideas don't require ANY crafting at all. SCORE!

1 & 2. Pikachu and Pichu Costumes
Pikachu (pictured right) and Pichu (left) are cute little electric mice Pokémon who are shockingly good in battle! Pichu is a baby Pokémon who evolves into Pikachu, the most famous character in the franchise.
What you need for these costumes:
Yellow t-shirt
Yellow pant
Black sneakers
Felt (for Pichu's black collar or to make your own ears)
Face paint or makeup (for the "electric sacks" on their cheeks)
Pikachu stuffed animal -OR- Pichu stuffed animal (optional)

3. Tutu Pikachu Costume
This take on a Pikachu costume is a little more cutesy and better-suited for indoor Halloween parties and warmer weather climates.
What you need for this costume:
Yellow t-shirt
Wire coat hanger and felt (for the tail)
Yellow tutu
Face paint or makeup (for the "electric sacks" on cheeks & black nose)
Yellow or black sandals or shoes
Or, get a pre-made Pikachu costume here.

4. Ash Ketchum Costume
Ash Ketchum is Pokémon's main character (besides Pikachu, of course) and one of the most popular personalities in all of cartoon history! Though the cartoon has been on air for over 20 seasons, he's always remained just 10 years old.
What you need for this costume:
White t-shirt and blue vest
Or, get a pre-made Ash Ketchum costume for kids here.

5. Pokeball Costume
A Pokeball is an item that Pokemon trainers throw at wild creatures to catch them and keep them as traveling companions. Over time, the Pokemon they catch and their trainers become great friends as they travel the world and battle together. #wholesome
What you need for this costume:
Red t-shirt
Thick black belt
Craft foam or felt (to make the big circle to attach to the belt)
White tutu -OR- white pants
Any Pokémon stuffed animal (optional)

6. Poliwhirl Costume
This swirly water & frog Pokémon is a fan favorite because of it's unique design and goofy attitude. One of Ash's best friends, Misty, once caught a Poliwag that evolved into a Poliwhirl, too!
What you need for this costume:
Craft foam or felt (for the eyes & belly swirl)
Giant white craft pom poms (for the eyes)
Blue pants or shorts
Blue or black shoes
White gloves - these oversized cartoon gloves are perfect!
Permanent marker (to draw on the swirl)
Poliwhirl stuffed animal (optional)

7. Eevee Costume
Eevee is one of the cutest and most beloved Pokemon of all! It has the neat ability to evolve into one of seven evolutions: flareon, jolteon, vaporeon, espeon, umbreon, leafeon, glaceon and sylveon
Test your kids to see if they know all seven evolutions!
What you need for this costume:
Felt (for the light brown fur around eevee's neck)
Black or brown shoes
Eevee stuffed animal (optional)

8 & 9. Jessie and James Costumes
Jessie and James are an iconic part of the Pokémon franchise and part of the show's main villainous trio, Team Rocket.
Jessie, the girl, has fierce magenta hair and a sassy attitude to match. James, the boy, has cool periwinkle hair and is the aloof, silly one in the bunch.
The third and final member of their team is a Pokémon who can talk — a Meowth! Meowth is the only Pokémon who can say something other than its name.
What you need for these costumes:
Magenta wig -OR- blue wig
White long-sleeve shirts
Black long-sleeve undershirts
White skirt -OR- white pants
Black shoes
Red felt (for the letter "R" on their shirt)
Meowth stuffed animal (optional)

10. Dark Team Rocket Costume
There's a section of Jessie, James and Meowth's sinister organization, Team Rocket, who is very secretive and wears a different outfit. Fortunately for you, it's also easier to DIY!
What you need for this costume:
Black t-shirt
Red pants
Black sandals, shoes or boots

11. Dawn Costume
Dawn (pictured left) is one of Ash Ketchum's more recent travel companions. She's a talented Pokemon Trainer who loves to compete in Pokmeon Contests. These contests show off not only the strength of Pokemon, but also their intelligence, beauty and cuteness.
What you need for this costume:
Pink felt (for the Pokeball icon on her hat)
Black t-shirt or tank top
White tights