Battling against rock Pokemon can be a challenge without the right strategy! They have some of the most dangerous and varied moves in the games like stealth rocks, stone edge, rock polish and more.
Rock type Pokemon generally have some of the highest defense and attack stats of all Pokemon, but are typically pretty slow.
Watch out, because some rock types have an ability called "sturdy" which allows them to survive a one-hit K.O. attack with 1 hit point! It's always an unpleasant surprise when you were expecting to win the battle but suddenly they fire back with a strong rock type attack!

Rock type Pokemon are weak to:
Use attacks of these types to deal double damage against rock types. It's super effective!

These types resist rock type attacks:
Use Pokemon of these types to take half damage from an opponent's rock type attacks. It's not very effective.

Great Pokemon to use against rock types:
These Pokemon learn super effective attacks or have useful resistances (or both!)
Breloom (fighting / grass)
Lucario (fighting / steel)
Swampert (water / ground)
Gastrodon (water / ground)
Poliwrath (water / fighting)
Ludicolo (water / grass)
Read more: The ULTIMATE Pokemon Type Weakness Guide
Good attacks to use against rock type Pokemon:
Superpower (fighting)
Aura sphere (fighting)
Break brick (fighting)
Leaf storm (grass)
Horn leech (grass)
Energy ball (grass)
Earthquake (ground)
Earth power (ground)
High horsepower (ground)
Iron tail (steel)
Flash cannon (steel)
Metal claw (steel)
Surf (water)
Aqua tail (water)
Hydro pump (water)
What's good against..?
bug | dark | dragon | electric | fairy | fighting | fire | flying | ghost | grass | ground | ice | normal | poison | psychic | rock | steel | water