Battling against grass Pokemon can be a bit thorny if you're not prepared! Many grass Pokemon are blessed with numerous status-inducing and life-leeching attacks to watch out for. Sleep powder, leech seed and giga drain are just a few grass type favorites!
Despite the unique battle strategies that many grass Pokemon use, grass typing is considered one of the weakest in the game. It has 5 weaknesses and 7 different types resist grass attacks.

Grass type Pokemon are weak to:
Use attacks of these types to deal double damage against grass types. It's super effective!

These types resist grass type attacks:
Use Pokemon of these types to take half damage from an opponent's grass type attacks. It's not very effective.

Great Pokemon to use against grass types:
These Pokemon learn super effective attacks or have useful resistances (or both!)
Volcarona (bug / fire)
Talonflame (fire / flying)
Frosmoth (bug / ice)
Crobat (poison / flying)
Salazzle (poison / fire)
Butterfree (bug / flying)
Read more: The ULTIMATE Pokemon Type Weakness Guide
Good attacks to use against grass type Pokemon:
Leech life (bug)
Bug buzz (bug)
Signal beam (bug)
Flamethrower (fire)
Flare blitz (fire)
Flame wheel (fire)
Aerial ace (flying)
Air slash (flying)
Brave bird (flying)
Ice beam (ice)
Icicle crash (ice)
Frost breath (ice)
Sludge bomb (poison)
Sludge wave (poison)
Poison jab (poison)
What's good against..?
bug | dark | dragon | electric | fairy | fighting | fire | flying | ghost | grass | ground | ice | normal | poison | psychic | rock | steel | water