Battling against fighting Pokemon can be difficult because fighting is a great offensive type, but a lot of types also resist or are immune to their hard-hitting moves!
Fighting type Pokemon tend to be faster than average and generally sport the highest attack stats of all types, so they can move first and cause a lot of damage.

Fighting type Pokemon are weak to:
Use attacks of these types to deal double damage against fighting types. It's super effective!

Ghost type is immune to fighting type attacks
Use a ghost type Pokemon to take zero damage from an opponent's fighting type attacks.

These types resist fighting type attacks:
Use Pokemon of these types to take half damage from an opponent's fighting type attacks. It's not very effective.

Great Pokemon to use against fighting types:
These Pokemon learn super effective attacks or have useful resistances (or both!)
Gardevoir (psychic / fairy)
Galarian Rapidash (psychic / fairy)
Togekiss (fairy / flying)
Lunala (psychic / ghost)
Crobat (flying / poison)
Scyther (flying / bug)
Read more: The ULTIMATE Pokemon Type Weakness Guide
Good attacks to use against fighting type Pokemon:
Dazzling gleam (fairy)
Moonblast (fairy)
Play rough (fairy)
Air slash (flying)
Acrobatics (flying)
Brave bird (flying)
Psychic (psychic)
Psybeam (psychic)
Zen headbutt (psychic)
What's good against..?
bug | dark | dragon | electric | fairy | fighting | fire | flying | ghost | grass | ground | ice | normal | poison | psychic | rock | steel | water