Battling against dragon Pokemon is one of the greatest challenges in the game! Many are pseudo-legendary, if not actually legendary, and possess some of the highest stats and best move-pools available.
Dragon type Pokemon generally rank at the top of each stat category. In fact, they rank #1, #2 or #3 as a group when compared to other types in hit points, attack, special attack, defense, special defense and speed.

Dragon type Pokemon are weak to:
Use attacks of these types to deal double damage against rock types. It's super effective!
dragon, fairy, ice

Fairy type Pokemon are immune to Dragon type attacks
Use a fairy type Pokemon to take zero damage from an opponent's dragon type attacks.

Steel type resists dragon type attacks
Use a steel type Pokemon to take half damage from an opponent's dragon type attacks. It's not very effective.

Great Pokemon to use against dragon types:
These Pokemon learn super effective attacks or have useful resistances (or both!)
Mawile (fairy / steel)
Alolan ninetales (ice / fairy)
Togekiss (fairy / flying)
Clefable (fairy)
Dialga (dragon / steel)
Lapras (ice / water)
Read more: The ULTIMATE Pokemon Type Weakness Guide
Good attacks to use against dragon type Pokemon:
Dragon claw (dragon)
Outrage (dragon)
Dragon pulse (dragon)
Moonblast (dragon)
Play rough (dragon)
Dazzling gleam (dragon)
Ice beam (ice)
Icicle crash (ice)
Frost breath (ice)
What's good against..?
bug | dark | dragon | electric | fairy | fighting | fire | flying | ghost | grass | ground | ice | normal | poison | psychic | rock | steel | water