70+ Flying Type Pokemon Nicknames | Slowpoke Tail
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70+ High-altitude Flying Type Pokemon Nicknames

It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's a Pokemon!

Reach the outer-limits of the atmosphere with these high-altitude flying type Pokemon nicknames! They're perfect for your talonflame, staraptor, togekiss, zapdos and more.

Below, you'll find good nicknames for specific flying type Pokemon followed by a ton of more generic ideas that are clever, cute, cool and funny.

nicknames for flying type pokemon

Good Nicknames for Flying Type Pokemon

  • McNugget - for talonflame, moltres and Ho-Oh

  • Boo-Loon - for drifloon and drifblim

  • Trike - for dodrio

  • Zazu (like from Disney's The Lion King) - for toucannon

  • Batman - for golbat, noivern and gliscor

  • Dracula - for golbat, noivern and gliscor

  • KFC - for talonflame, moltres and Ho-Oh

  • America - for rufflet & braviary

  • CaptainAmerica - for rufflet & braviary

  • SteveRogers (Captain America's secret identity) - for rufflet & braviary

  • DonaldDuck - for ducklett and swanna

  • DaffyDuck - for ducklett and swanna

  • Leviathan - for gyarados

  • Behemoth - for gyarados

  • BirdJesus - for pidgeot

  • Phoenix - for talonflame, moltres and Ho-Oh

  • Thunderbird - for Zapdos

  • Puff - for altaria

  • Fluff - for altaria

  • Nimbus - for altaria

  • MoHawk - for staraptor

  • Nightingale - for hoothoot and noctowl

  • Hooters - for hoothoot and noctowl

  • Hedwig (like from Harry Potter) - for hoothoot and noctowl

  • Barney - for dragonite

  • BeatsbyDre - for noibat and noivern

  • CaptnJackSpearow & CaptnJackFearow - for spearow and fearow

  • SeaFlapFlap - for mantyke and mantine

  • Featherweight - for skarmory

  • SweenyTodd - for gliscor

  • EdScissorHands - for gliscor

  • Terrordactyl - for aerodactyl

  • Ragnarock - for aerodactyl or archeops

  • DangerNoodle - for rayquaza

  • Shenron (like from Dragon Ball Z) - for rayquaza

good nicknames for flying type pokemon
  • Swoop

  • Ruffles

  • Flutters

  • Cloud

  • Cyclone

  • HawkEye

  • Aurora

  • Kestrel

  • Tweety

  • Osprey

  • Jetpack

  • Feather

  • Flyboy

  • Flygirl

  • Raven

  • Aerie

  • Storm

  • Ace

  • EagleEye

  • Robin

  • Beaky

  • Wings

  • Jet

  • Stratus

  • Hurricane

  • Aire

  • Gust

  • Hawke

  • Vortex

  • Talon

  • Chicken

  • Lunch

  • Dinner

  • Roast

  • Phoenix

  • 747

  • Zephyr

  • Tomahawk

Pokemon Nicknames by Type

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