If you want to add the best Pokemon by type to your team, look no further! These are each type's top 5 strongest non-legendary Pokemon with some of the best stats, move pools & abilities in the game which allow them to thrive in competitive battling and general game-play.
If you're looking for a longer list of the best non-legendary Pokemon of each type, check out the links below:
Top 10 non-legendary Pokemon by type
bug | dark | dragon | electric | fairy | fighting | fire | flying | ghost | grass | ground | ice | normal | poison | psychic | rock | steel | water
5. Aranquanid

Araquanid delivers headbutts with the water bubble on its head. Small Pokémon get sucked into the bubble, where they drown.
Good attacks for Aranquanid: liquidation, leech life, poison jab, toxic, sticky web
Pro tip: use Araquanid's 'water bubble' ability to double the power of water type moves before STAB. This ability also prevents burn.
4. Scolipede

Scolipede clasps its prey with the claws on its neck until it stops moving. Then it finishes it off with deadly poison.
Good attacks for Scolipede: megahorn, aquatail, earthquake, rock slide, swords dance
Pro tip: use Scolipede's 'speed boost' ability to increase its speed by one stage each turn. This ability works great with the 'baton pass' attack to pass Scolipede's speed boost to another powerful Pokemon.
3. Heracross

Heracross charges in a straight line at its foe, slips beneath the foe's grasp, and then scoops up and hurls the opponent with its mighty horn. It even has enough power to topple a massive tree.
Good attacks for Heracross: close combat, bullet seed, pin missle, rock blast, facade, knock off, swords dance
Pro tip: use Heracross' hidden ability, 'moxie', to increase Heracross' attack power by one stage when it knocks out another Pokemon.
2. Scizor

Scizor has a body with the hardness of steel. It is not easily fazed by ordinary sorts of attacks. Scizor flaps its wings to regulate its body temperature.
Good attacks for Scizor: bullet punch, superpower, knock off, U-turn, swords dance, roost
1. Volcarona

A sea of fire engulfs the surroundings of their battles, since Volcarona use their six wings to scatter their ember scales.
Good attacks for Volcarona: flamethrower, bug buzz, fiery dance, overheat, fire blast, quiver dance, roost
Pro tip: use Volcarona's 'quiver dance' move to boost its special attack, special defense and speed by one stage. It's one of the best boosting moves in the game.
5. Weavile

Weavile lives in snowy regions. It carves patterns in trees with its claws as a signal to others. They attack their quarry in packs. Large prey easily fall to the teamwork of a group of Weavile.
Good attacks for Weavile: knock off, icicle crash, ice shard, pursuit
4. Alolan Muk

From Muk's body seeps a foul fluid that gives off a nose-bendingly horrible stench. Just one drop of its body fluid can turn a pool stagnant and rancid.
Good attacks for Alolan Muk: knock off, fire punch, poison jab, gunk shot, pursuit, explosion
3. Hydreigon

The heads on Hydreigon's arms do not have brains. It use all three heads to consume and destroy everything.
Good attacks for Hydreigon: draco meteor, dark pulse, U-turn, fire blast, roost, defog
2. Tyranitar

Tyranitar is so overwhelmingly powerful, it can bring down a whole mountain to make its nest. It wanders about in mountains seeking new opponents to fight.
Good attacks for Tyranitar: stone edge, pursuit, fire punch, earthquake, crunch, ice punch, dragon dance, stealth rocks
1. Greninja

Greninja creates throwing stars out of compressed water. When it spins them and throws them at high speed, these stars can split metal in two.
Good attacks for Greninja: hydro pump, surf, dark pulse, water shuriken, dig, ice beam, gunk shot, U-turn, spikes
Pro tip: use Greninja's 'protean' ability to increase it's attacking damage!
5. Salamence

Salamence came about as a result of a strong, long-held dream of growing wings. It is said that this powerful desire triggered a sudden mutation in its cells, causing it to sprout its magnificent wings.
Good attacks for Salamence: earthquake, fly, dragon claw, stone edge, fire fang, substitute, dragon dance, roost, defog
4. Dragonite

Dragonite is capable of circling the globe in just 16 hours. It is a kindhearted Pokémon that leads lost ships in a storm to the safety of land.
Good attacks for Dragonite: earthquake, fly, extreme speed, outrage, fire punch, dragon dance
Pro tip: use Dragonite's 'multiscale' ability to half the damage taken from an attack when your Dragonite is at full HP.
3. Kommo-O

When it spots enemies, Kommo-o threatens them by jingling the scales on its tail. Weak opponents will crack and flee in panic.
Good attacks for Kommo-o: clanging scales, close combat, poison jab, drain punch, thunder punch, belly drum, toxic, stealth rocks
2. Dragapult

When it isn't battling, Dragapult keeps Dreepy in the holes on its horns. Once a fight starts, it launches the Dreepy like supersonic missiles. Apparently the Dreepy inside Dragapult's horns eagerly look forward to being launched out at Mach speeds!
Good attacks for Dragapult: hex, draco meteor, shadow ball, fire blast, thunder bolt, U-turn, will-O-wisp, thunder wave
1. Garchomp

When Garchomp folds up its body and extends its wings, it looks like a jet plane. It flies at sonic speed.
Good attacks for Garchomp: earthquake, stone edge, draco meteor, fire blast, swords dance, stealth rocks, toxic
5. Magneton

Magneton emits a powerful magnetic force that is fatal to mechanical devices. As a result, large cities sound sirens to warn citizens of large-scale outbreaks of Magneton.
Good attacks for Magneton: thunderbolt, flash cannon, volt switch, zap cannon, toxic, thunder wave
4. Rotom H

Research continues on Rotom, which could be the power source of a unique motor.
Good attacks for Rotom-Heat: volt switch, overheat, will-O-wisp, defog, toxic, pain split
3. Alolan Golem

Golem live up on mountains. If there is a large earthquake, they will come rolling down off the mountains en masse to the foothills below.
Good attacks for Alolan Golem: wild charge, earthquake, fire punch, stone edge, explosion, stealth rock
2. Rotom W

Research continues on Rotom, which could be the power source of a unique motor.
Good attacks for Rotom-Wash: hydro pump, volt switch, thunder, pain split, will-O-wisp, defog
1. Magnezone

Sometimes the magnetism emitted by Magnezone is too strong, making them attract each other so they cannot move.
Good attacks for Magnezone: thunderbolt, flash cannon, volt switch, substitute, thunder wave, toxic
5. Hatterene

Hatterene emits psychic power strong enough to cause headaches as a deterrent to the approach of others.
Good attacks for Hatterene: psychic, dazzling gleam, shadow ball, mystical fire, draining kiss, calm mind, trick room
4. Mimikyu

Mimikyu's actual appearance is unknown. A scholar who saw what was under its rag was overwhelmed by terror and died from the shock.
Good attacks for Mimikyu: play rough, shadow claw, shadow sneak, swords dance
3. Klefki

Klefki are key collectors who threaten any attackers by fiercely jingling their keys at them.
Good attacks for Klefki: play rough, foul play, spikes, thunder wave, toxic, magnet wave, swagger
Pro tip: use Klefki's 'prankster' ability to gain priority on all status moves!
2. Azumarill

Azumarill's long ears are indispensable sensors. By focusing its hearing, Azumarill can identify what kinds of prey are around, even in rough and fast-running rivers.
Good attacks for Azumarill: play rough, aqua jet, knock off, superpower, liquidation, belly drum
Pro tip: use Azumarill's 'huge power' ability to double it's attack power.
1. Clefable

Clefable moves by skipping lightly as if it were flying using its wings. Its bouncy step lets it even walk on water. It is known to take strolls on lakes on quiet, moonlit nights.
Good attacks for Clefable: moonblast, thunderbolt, fire blast, soft-boiled, stealth rocks, thunder wave
Pro tip: use Clefable's 'magic guard' ability to take zero damage from status attacks and entry hazards.
5. Breloom

Breloom closes in on its foe with light and sprightly footwork, then throws punches with its stretchy arms. Breloom's fighting technique puts professional boxers to shame.
Good attacks for Breloom: focus punch, mach punch, bullet seed, rock tomb, spore, leech seed, swords dance
4. Conkeldurr

Rather than rely on force, they master moves that utilize the centrifugal force of spinning concrete. It is thought that Conkeldurr taught humans how to make concrete more than 2,000 years ago.
Good attacks for Conkeldurr: drain punch, mach punch, knock off, facade, ice punch, rock slide, fire punch
3. Kommo-o

When it spots enemies, Kommo-o threatens them by jingling the scales on its tail. Weak opponents will crack and flee in panic.
Good attacks for Kommo-o: clanging scales, close combat, poison jab, drain punch, thunder punch, belly drum, toxic, stealth rocks
2. Hawlucha

Although its body is small, Hawlucha's proficient fighting skills enable it to keep up with big bruisers like Machamp and Conkeldurr.
Good attacks for Hawlucha: high jump kick, acrobatics, swords dance, roost, defog
1. Blaziken

In battle, Blaziken blows out intense flames from its wrists and attacks foes courageously. The stronger the foe, the more intensely its wrists burn.
Good attacks for Blaziken: low kick, superpower, high jump kick, flare blitz, stone edge, knock off, swords dance
Pro tip: use Blaziken's 'speed boost' ability to increase its speed by one stage each turn.
5. Cinderace

Cinderace juggles a pebble with its feet, turning it into a burning soccer ball. Its shots strike opponents hard and leave them scorched.
Good attacks for Cinderace: pyro ball, U-turn, high jump kick, sucker punch, court change
Pro tip: use Cinderace's 'court change' attack to swap effects on the battlefield like stealth rocks, sticky web, spikes, toxic spikes, tailwind, light screen and reflect.
4. Infernape

Infernape tosses its enemies around with agility. It uses all its limbs to fight in its own unique style.
Good attacks for Infernape: flare blitz, U-turn, close combat, gunk shot, stone edge, slack off, vacuum wave
3. Chandelure

Being consumed in Chandelure's flame burns up the spirit, leaving the body behind. The spirits burned up in its ominous flame lose their way and wander this world forever.
Good attacks for Chandelure: flamethrower, shadow ball, energy ball, calm mind
2. Volcarona

A sea of fire engulfs the surroundings of their battles, since Volcarona use their six wings to scatter their ember scales.
Good attacks for Volcarona: flamethrower, bug buzz, fiery dance, overheat, fire blast, quiver dance, roost
Pro tip: use Volcarona's 'quiver dance' move to boost its special attack, special defense and speed by one stage. It's one of the best boosting moves in the game.
1. Blaziken

In battle, Blaziken blows out intense flames from its wrists and attacks foes courageously. The stronger the foe, the more intensely its wrists burn.
Good attacks for Blaziken: low kick, superpower, high jump kick, flare blitz, stone edge, knock off, swords dance
Pro tip: use Blaziken's 'speed boost' ability to increase its speed by one stage each turn.
5. Salamence

Salamence came about as a result of a strong, long-held dream of growing wings. It is said that this powerful desire triggered a sudden mutation in its cells, causing it to sprout its magnificent wings.
Good attacks for Salamence: earthquake, fly, dragon claw, stone edge, fire fang, substitute, dragon dance, roost, defog
4. Dragonite

Dragonite is capable of circling the globe in just 16 hours. It is a kindhearted Pokémon that leads lost ships in a storm to the safety of land.
Good attacks for Dragonite: earthquake, fly, extreme speed, outrage, fire punch, dragon dance
Pro tip: use Dragonite's 'multiscale' ability to half the damage taken from an attack when your Dragonite is at full HP.
3. Gyarados

When Magikarp evolves into Gyarados, its brain cells undergo a structural transformation. It is said that this transformation is to blame for its wildly violent nature.
Good attacks for Gyarados: waterfall, bounce, earthquake, crunch, dragon dance
Pro tip: use Gyarados' 'moxie' ability to gain an attack boost each time Gyarados knocks out an opponent!
2. Gliscor

Gliscor observes its prey while hanging inverted from branches. When the chance presents itself, it swoops!
Good attacks for Gliscor: earthquake, facade, knock off, swords dance, roost, toxic, stealth rocks, defog
Pro tip: use Gliscor's 'poison heal' ability and a poison orb item to heal your Gliscor each turn during battle and prevent other status conditions.
1. Hawlucha

Although its body is small, Hawlucha's proficient fighting skills enable it to keep up with big bruisers like Machamp and Conkeldurr.
Good attacks for Hawlucha: high jump kick, acrobatics, swords dance, roost, defog
5. Polteageist

Polteageist lives in antique teapots. Most pots are forgeries, but on rare occasions, an authentic work is found. Leaving leftover black tea unattended is asking for it to come along and pour itself into it, turning the tea into a new Polteageist.
Good attacks for Polteageist: shadow ball, giga drain, stored power, shell smash
4. Mimikyu

Mimikyu's actual appearance is unknown. A scholar who saw what was under its rag was overwhelmed by terror and died from the shock.
Good attacks for Mimikyu: play rough, shadow claw, shadow sneak, swords dance
3. Gengar

Sometimes, on a dark night, your shadow cast by a streetlight will suddenly and startlingly overtake you. It is actually a Gengar running past you, pretending to be your shadow.
Good attacks for Gengar: shadow ball, sludge wave, focus blast, icy wind, thunderbolt hex, will-O-wisp, destiny bond
2. Dragapult

When it isn't battling, Dragapult keeps Dreepy in the holes on its horns. Once a fight starts, it launches the Dreepy like supersonic missiles. Apparently the Dreepy inside Dragapult's horns eagerly look forward to being launched out at Mach speeds!
Good attacks for Dragapult: hex, draco meteor, shadow ball, fire blast, thunder bolt, U-turn, will-O-wisp, thunder wave
1. Aegislash

Generations of kings were attended by Aegislash, which used their spectral power to manipulate and control people and Pokémon.
Good attacks for Aegislash: king's shield, gyro ball, iron head, shadow ball, sacred sword, shadow sneak, swords dance, toxic
5. Amoongus

Amoonguss show off their Poké Ball caps to lure prey, but very few are fooled by this tactic.
Good attacks for Amoongus: sludge bomb, giga drain, clear smog, spore, stun spore
4. Venusaur
There is a large flower on Venusaur's back. The flower is said to take on vivid colors if it gets plenty of nutrition and sunlight. The flower's aroma soothes the emotions of people.
Good attacks for Venusaur: sludge bomb, giga drain, leech seed, growth, synthesis, sleep powder, toxic
3. Tangrowth

Tangrowth ensnares prey by extending arms made of vines. Losing arms to predators does not trouble it.
Good attacks for Tangrowth: giga drain, knock off, sludge bomb, earthquake, sleep powder
2. Serperior
It only gives its all against strong opponents who are not fazed by the glare from Serperior's noble eyes.
Good attacks for Serperior: leaf storm, dragon pulse, knock off, synthesis, defog, glare, substitute Pro tip: use Serperior's 'contrary' ability to reverse stat changes. It works great with leaf storm because it will raise Sceptile's special attack by 2 stages with each use.
1. Ferrothorn

By swinging around its three spiky feelers and shooting spikes, Ferrothorn can obliterate an opponent.
Good attacks for Ferrothorn: gyro ball, power whip, knock off, body press, leech seed, stealth rocks, spikes, thunder wave
5. Nidoking

Nidoking's thick tail packs enormously destructive power. With one swing, it can topple a metal transmission tower. Once it goes on a rampage, there is no stopping it.
Good attacks for Nidoking: sludge wave, earth power, ice beam, flamethrower
Pro tip: use Nidoking's 'sheer force' ability and a life orb item to amplify Nidoking's attacking power.
4. Mamoswine

A frozen Mamoswine was dug from ice dating back 10,000 years. It has been around a long, long, long time.
Good attacks for Mamoswine: earthquake, icicle crash, ice shard, knock off, stealth rocks
3. Excadrill

Excadrill can help in tunnel construction. Its drill has evolved into steel strong enough to bore through iron plates.
Good attacks for Excadrill: earthquake, iron head, rapid spin, swords dance, stealth rocks, toxic
2. Gliscor

Gliscor observes prey while hanging inverted from branches. When the chance presents itself, it swoops!
Good attacks for Gliscor: earthquake, facade, knock off, swords dance, roost, toxic, stealth rocks, defog
Pro tip: use Gliscor's 'poison heal' ability and a poison orb item to heal your Gliscor each turn during battle and prevent other status conditions.
1. Garchomp

When Garchomp folds up its body and extends its wings, it looks like a jet plane. It flies at sonic speed.
Good attacks for Garchomp: earthquake, stone edge, draco meteor, fire blast, swords dance, stealth rocks, toxic
5. Alolan Ninetales

Ninetales casts a sinister light from its bright eyes to gain total control over its foe's mind. It is said that Ninetales can live for a thousand years.
Good attacks for Alolan Ninetales: blizzard, icy wind, freeze dry, hypnosis, hail
4. Galarian Darmanitan

When Darmanitan is injured in a fierce battle, it hardens into a stone-like form. Then it meditates and sharpens its mind.
Good attacks for Galarian Darmanitan: icicle crash, flare blitz, U-turn, superpower, earthquake
3. Cloyster

Cloyster is capable of swimming in the sea. It does so by swallowing water, then jetting it out toward the rear. It shoots spikes from its shell using the same system.
Good attacks for Cloyster: icicle spear, rapid spin, shell smash, toxic spikes, spikes, explosion
Pro tip: use Cloyster's 'shell smash' attack to sharply increase its attack, special attack and speed. This attack also lowers its defense and special defense, but the trade-off is generally worth it.
2. Weavile

Weavile lives in snowy regions. It carves patterns in trees with its claws as a signal to others. They attack their quarry in packs. Large prey easily fall to the teamwork of a group of Weavile.
Good attacks for Weavile: knock off, icicle crash, ice shard, pursuit
1. Mamoswine

A frozen Mamoswine was dug from ice dating back 10,000 years. It has been around a long, long, long time.
Good attacks for Mamoswine: earthquake, icicle crash, ice shard, knock off, stealth rocks
5. Staraptor

The muscles in Staraptor's wings and legs are strong. It can easily fly while gripping small prey.
Good attacks for Staraptor: brave bird, double edge, U-turn, close combat, defog, tailwind
4. Porygon-Z

Additional software was installed to make Porygon-Z more powerful Pokémon, but it began acting very oddly.
Good attacks for Porygon-Z: thunderbolt, ice beam, recover, shadow ball, tri-attack, conversion, nasty plot
3. Ditto

Ditto rearranges its cell structure to transform itself into other shapes. However, if it tries to transform itself into something by relying on its memory, it manages to get details wrong.
Good attacks for Ditto: transform
Pro tip: Try using Ditto with the 'imposter' ability and a choice band.
2. Blissey

Blissey senses sadness with its fluffy coat of fur. When it does, it will rush over to a sad person, no matter how far away, to share a Lucky Egg that brings a smile to any face.
Good attacks for Blissey: seismic toss, fire blast, ice beam, stealth rocks, soft-boiled, toxic
1. Chansey

Chansey lays nutritionally excellent eggs on an everyday basis. The eggs are so delicious, they are easily and eagerly devoured by even those people who have lost their appetite.
Good attacks for Chansey: seismic toss, fire blast, ice beam, stealth rocks, soft-boiled, toxic
Okay, okay. You may be wondering WHY Chansey, is better than its pre-evolution, Blissey. The answer is simple: eviolite.
5. Scolipede

Scolipede clasps its prey with the claws on its neck until it stops moving. Then it finishes it off with deadly poison.
Good attacks for Scolipede: megahorn, aquatail, earthquake, rock slide, swords dance
Pro tip: use Scolipede's 'speed boost' ability to increase its speed by one stage each turn. This ability works great with the 'baton pass' attack to pass Scolipede's speed boost to another powerful Pokemon.
4. Nidoking

Nidoking's thick tail packs enormously destructive power. With one swing, it can topple a metal transmission tower. Once it goes on a rampage, there is no stopping it.
Good attacks for Nidoking: sludge wave, earth power, ice beam, flamethrower
Pro tip: use Nidoking's 'sheer force' ability and a life orb item to amplify Nidoking's attacking power.
3. Alolan Muk

From Muk's body seeps a foul fluid that gives off a nose-bendingly horrible stench. Just one drop of its body fluid can turn a pool stagnant and rancid.
Good attacks for Alolan Muk: knock off, fire punch, poison jab, gunk shot, pursuit, explosion
2. Toxapex

To attack, Toxapex sends toxic spikes flying at its enemies. Ones that come close are struck by the claws on its feet.
Good attacks for Toxapex: scald, baneful bunker, recover, toxic, haze, toxic spikes
1. Gengar

Sometimes, on a dark night, your shadow cast by a streetlight will suddenly and startlingly overtake you. It is actually a Gengar running past you, pretending to be your shadow.
Good attacks for Gengar: shadow ball, sludge wave, focus blast, icy wind, thunderbolt hex, will-O-wisp, destiny bond
5. Hatterene

Hatterene emits psychic power strong enough to cause headaches as a deterrent to the approach of others.
Good attacks for Hatterene: psychic, dazzling gleam, shadow ball, mystical fire, draining kiss, calm mind, trick room
4. Alakazam

Alakazam's brain continually grows, making its head far too heavy to support with its neck. It holds its head up using its psychokinetic power instead.
Good attacks for Alakazam: psychic, focus blast, shadow ball, knock off, calm mind, recover
3. Metagross

Metagross has four brains in total. Combined, the four brains can breeze through difficult calculations faster than a supercomputer. Metagross can float in the air by tucking in its four legs.
Good attacks for Metagross: meteor mash, ice punch, rock slide, thunder punch, bullet punch, earthquake, zen headbutt, stealth rocks
2. Starmie

Starmie's center section, its core, glows brightly in seven colors. Because of its luminous nature, this Pokémon has been given the nickname "the gem of the sea."
Good attacks for Starmie: hydro pump, surf, scald, ice beam, psyshock, psychic, thunderbolt, rapid spin, recover, thunder wave
1. Slowbro

Slowbro's tail has a Shellder firmly attached with a bite. As a result, the tail can't be used for fishing anymore. This causes Slowbro to grudgingly swim and catch prey instead.
Good attacks for Slowbro: scald, psyshock, psychic, ice beam, flamethrower, toxic, thunder wave, slack off, iron defense
5. Lycanroc

Lycanroc's quick movements confuse its enemies. Well equipped with claws and fangs, it also uses the sharp rocks in its mane as weapons.
Good attacks for Lycanrock: stone edge, fire fang, drill run, sucker punch, accelerock
4. Aerodactyl

Aerodactyl is a Pokémon from the age of dinosaurs. It was regenerated from genetic material extracted from amber. It is imagined to have been the king of the skies in ancient times.
Good attacks for Aerodactyl: stone edge, earthquake, pursuit, ice fang, roost
3. Tyrantrum

Thanks to its gargantuan jaws, which could shred thick metal plates as if they were paper, Tyrantrum was invincible in the ancient world it once inhabited.
Good attacks for Tyrantrum: head smash, outrage, dragon claw, earthquake, crunch, superpower, rock polish
2. Rhyperior

Rhyperior fires out Geodude from the holes in its palms. Its carapace can withstand volcanic eruptions.
Good attacks for Rhyperior: earthquake, rock blast, megahorn, stone edge, ice punch, stealth rocks, toxic, swords dance
1. Tyranitar

Tyranitar is so overwhelmingly powerful, it can bring down a whole mountain to make its nest. It wanders about in mountains seeking new opponents to fight.
Good attacks for Tyranitar: stone edge, pursuit, fire punch, earthquake, crunch, ice punch, dragon dance, stealth rocks
5. Scizor

Scizor has a body with the hardness of steel. It is not easily fazed by ordinary sorts of attacks. Scizor flaps its wings to regulate its body temperature.
Good attacks for Scizor: bullet punch, superpower, knock off, U-turn, swords dance, roost
4. Excadrill

Excadrill can help in tunnel construction. Its drill has evolved into steel strong enough to bore through iron plates.
Good attacks for Excadrill: earthquake, iron head, rapid spin, swords dance, stealth rocks, toxic
3. Magnezone

Sometimes the magnetism emitted by Magnezone is too strong, making them attract each other so they cannot move.
Good attacks for Magnezone: thunderbolt, flash cannon, volt switch, substitute, thunder wave, toxic
2. Aegislash

Generations of kings were attended by Aegislash, which used their spectral power to manipulate and control people and Pokémon.
Good attacks for Aegislash: king's shield, gyro ball, iron head, shadow ball, sacred sword, shadow sneak, swords dance, toxic
1. Ferrothorn

By swinging around its three spiky feelers and shooting spikes, Ferrothorn can obliterate an opponent.
Good attacks for Ferrothorn: gyro ball, power whip, knock off, body press, leech seed, stealth rocks, spikes, thunder wave
5. Slowbro

Slowbro's tail has a Shellder firmly attached with a bite. As a result, the tail can't be used for fishing anymore. This causes Slowbro to grudgingly swim and catch prey instead.
Good attacks for Slowbro: scald, psyshock, psychic, ice beam, flamethrower, toxic, thunder wave, slack off, iron defense
4. Rotom-W

Research continues on Rotom, which could be the power source of a unique motor.
Good attacks for Rotom-Wash: hydro pump, volt switch, thunder, pain split, will-O-wisp, defog
3. Toxapex

To attack, Toxapex sends toxic spikes flying at its enemies. Ones that come close are struck by the claws on its feet.
Good attacks for Toxapex: scald, baneful bunker, recover, toxic, haze, toxic spikes
2. Gyarados

When Magikarp evolves into Gyarados, its brain cells undergo a structural transformation. It is said that this transformation is to blame for its wildly violent nature.
Good attacks for Gyarados: waterfall, bounce, earthquake, crunch, dragon dance
Pro tip: use Gyarados' 'moxie' ability to gain an attack boost each time Gyarados knocks out an opponent.
1. Greninja

Greninja creates throwing stars out of compressed water. When it spins them and throws them at high speed, these stars can split metal in two.
Good attacks for Greninja: hydro pump, surf, dark pulse, water shuriken, dig, ice beam, gunk shot, U-turn, spikes
Pro tip: use Greninja's 'protean' ability to increase it's attacking damage.
Top 10 non-legendary Pokemon by type
bug | dark | dragon | electric | fairy | fighting | fire | flying | ghost | grass | ground | ice | normal | poison | psychic | rock | steel | water