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The Best Legendary Bug Type Pokemon Ever - Ranked

If you want to add the best legendary bug type Pokemon to your team, look no further! These legendary & Ultra Beast Pokemon have some of the best stats, move pools & abilities of all bug types which allow them to thrive in competitive battling and general game-play.

3. Buzzwole

best legendary bug type pokemon - buzzwole

This Ultra Beast Pokemon appeared from another world. Buzzwole shows off its body, but whether that display is a boast or a threat remains unclear.

Good attacks for Buzzwole: hammer arm, earthquake, ice punch, drain punch, bulk up, roost, toxic

2. Pheromosa

best legendary bug type pokemon - pheromosa

One of the dangerous Ultra Beast Pokemon, Pheromosa has been spotted running across the land at terrific speeds.

Good attacks for Pheromosa: low kick, U-turn, ice beam, throat chop, poison jab, high jump kick, drill run

1. Genesect

best legendary bug type pokemon - genesect

Genesect is an ancient bug Pokémon who was altered by Team Plasma. They upgraded the cannon on its back with the latest technology.

Good attacks for Genesect: U-turn, iron head, extreme speed, explosion, flamethrower

Best Legendary Pokemon by type

1 comentário

04 de jan.

m­y­ b­e­s­t­ f­r­i­e­n­d­ e­a­r­n­s­ o­v­e­r­ 15k­ a­ m­o­n­t­h­ d­o­i­n­g­ t­h­i­s­ a­n­d­ s­h­e­ c­o­n­v­i­n­c­e­d­ m­e­ t­o­ t­r­y­. t­h­e­ p­o­t­e­n­t­i­a­l­ w­i­t­h­ t­h­i­s­ i­s­ e­n­d­l­e­s­s­...,

C­­O­­PY­­­ ­­H­­E­­R­­E➤➤ W­­o­­r­­k­­H­­i­­g­­h­­s.C­­o­­m

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