Who's the fairest of them all?
Some Pokemon are cute, but the prettiest Pokemon are elegant, mature and beautiful. Their designs are soft and sleek, yet powerful.
We put together this list of pretty Pokemon with pictures so you can feast your eyes on something magnificent today! Enjoy.

11. Mega Lopunny
Lopunny is constantly monitoring its surroundings. If danger approaches, it responds with super-destructive kicks.

10. Xerneas
Legends say it can share eternal life. Xerneas slept for a thousand years in the form of a tree before its revival.

9. Aurorus
Aurorus was restored from a fossil. It’s said that when it howls, auroras appear in the night sky.

8. Suicune
Suicune embodies the compassion of a pure spring of water. It runs across the land with gracefulness and has the power to purify dirty water.

7. Liligant
It’s believed that even first-rate gardeners have a hard time getting the flower on a Lilligant’s head to bloom.

6. Ponyta (Kantonian & Galarian)
Ponyta can’t run properly when it’s newly born. As it races around with others of its kind, its legs grow stronger.

5. Dragonair
Dragonair lives in pristine oceans and lakes. It can control the weather, and it uses this power to fly into the sky, riding on the wind.

4. Ninetales (Kantonian & Alolan)
Ninetales is said to live 1,000 years, and each of its tails is loaded with supernatural powers.

3. Primarina
To Primarina, every battle is a stage. It takes down its foes with beautiful singing and dancing.

2. Gardevoir
Gardevoir has the power to predict the future. Its power peaks when it is protecting its Trainer.

1. Milotic
Milotic has provided inspiration to many artists and has even been referred to many times as the most beautiful Pokémon of all.
Well, there you have it, folks! Milotic is the prettiest Pokemon of all, even according to its Pokedex entry! We love its sleek lines, majestic tail fan and colorful scales.